MY TAPESTRIES: 36 SERIES > The Whimsical Haggadah (I-XIII) > The Whimsical Haggadah (VIII)
– The Telling, as in "The Ten Plagues"
“The Ten Plagues” is part of the narrative, but the list is so famous that it can stand alone. I made the first nine in the horizontal landscape format, but I decided to weave the last and consequential plague – the one that changed the course of history – as a portrait.
- Rather than showing the Maggid (The Telling) in the order of the Haggadah, I have woven and organized it according to its various types of texts.
- 10 tapestries (subseries completed).
- Click on images for more information.
- Click on images for more information.
The Whimsical Haggadah (VIII)