MY TAPESTRIES: 36 SERIES > The Whimsical Haggadah (I-XIII) > The Whimsical Haggadah (VII)
– Mega Interlude: The Telling, as in the Narrative
We fulfill the Biblical commandment of telling our children why and how we left Egypt. But in the process, we redefine and reflect on the events as recorded and retold. The story is interrupted in the Haggadah by other text elements, but in this (sub)series I have depicted it as a flowing narrative. Colors of the soil and sand are present in all the tapestries – except in the one of the Israelites celebrating by the sea.
- (Rather than showing the Maggid (The Telling) tapestries in the order of the Haggadah, I have woven and organized them in five [sub]series according to the various types of text that they represent.)
- (12/12 tapestries, subseries completed).
- Click on images for more information.
The Whimsical Haggadah (VII)