MY TAPESTRIES: 36 SERIES > Our Prayerbook (I-?)
– The Structured Outlines
The Siddur, the formulated, communal expression of Judaism, consists of prayers carefully compiled over 2000 years. I have woven the anthology in three tapestries as a monumental monolith, as a systematic cluster of stepping-stones, and as a myriad of crafted pebbles.
- 3 tapestries (series completed).
- Click on images for more information.
– Words and Chants as We Let Them Flow
Inspired by a fellow artist’s beautiful paintings of weeping willows by the Skokie River and of the dahlias in her garden, I limited the colors to light and dark greys with hints of blue, yellow, green, and sage; bottle-green and hazel hues when needed; and a contrasting red.
The etzim-shaped borders on the sides of the tapestries refer to the crème, ochre, and brown-shaded colors of The Seven Architectonic Stones (the second tapestry in the preceding series) in which each shade denotes a specific unit of the service.
- The series is based on the Shabbat morning service.
- 5 tapestries (series completed).
- Click on images for more information.
- Click on images for more information.